Saturday, March 28, 2009

Getting Ready!

We decided to start a blog about our P90X experience for several reasons.  The main one is motivation!  It will help us to track our progress and hopefully see positive results.  If others are following our progress as well, we will keep going so we don't look like losers!! :)  We also want our blog to motivate others to give this a try!
We are starting tomorrow!  Today we are planning out meals for the week and getting our yoga mats and bands/dumbbells.  We have not purchases the pull up bar yet.  We are not even close to being able to do a pull up so we will purchase that soon.
I will be honest, I am not as excited as I was last week about this!!!  But I am going to do it!  Once I get started, I will be fine!
Today, I am going to be lazy, watch basketball, and eat this amazing chocolate cake and ice cream a friend made for us!  It will be my last big splurge for a while!

About Us!

Our names are Chad and Amber, and we currently live in Southwest Missouri. We have been married for almost 6 years and have a 3 year old daughter.  Chad is a software developer for Accenture.  I (Amber) am a middle school PE teacher and high school varsity volleyball coach.  Chad is 32 years old and I am 31.  We are very busy and can never seem to find the right diet and exercise program to fit into our crazy lives!  I am working on my second Master's degree and getting my TESOL certification.  Our daughter does gymnastics and goes to pre-school, as well as swimming lessons and she is going to try t-ball in a few months!  During volleyball season, our lives get even crazier!  We love sports, traveling, and camping!  We are huge Kansas Jayhawks fans (I went to college there!!), but we love the St. Louis Cardinals and Chad loves the Kansas City Chiefs!  We attend sporting events all the time (youth, HS, college, pro) and we love to travel every chance we get!  We used to live in Southern California so we love the beach and sunshine!  That is where our traveling normally takes us!  We have a ski boat and travel trailer so we spend our summers at the lake every chance we get!
We have decided to try P90X because we can do it at home.  With our daughter and busy schedules, we can't just go to the gym every morning and evening.  When we actually have a free evening at home, we want to spend it relaxing and enjoying each other.    We plan on getting up at 5:30 am to do the workouts.  This way our daughter will still be sleeping and we will not be interrupted.  
Our reasons for doing this vary.  Chad wants to lose weight.  His goal is 35 pounds.  He also has high blood pressure and cholesterol, so he really wants to improve his overall health.  He was in great shape when he was in the Marine Corp and wants to feel and look like that again!  I don't really need to lose weight.  My main goal is to just look and feel better.  I would love to tone up my body.  I don't weigh much more (5-7 pounds) than I did when I was a college athlete. The weight has just changed locations and form! LOL!  A common reason we share is we want to eat healthier. There are times we feel we live on concession stand food and fast food!   
I also want to make a note that we are planning a family trip to Las Vegas in August!  We got married out there and went back last year for our 5th anniversary.  We have decided to take our daughter there because she will love the big hotels, bright lights, and shows.  We are staying at Mandalay Bay so she can play at their "beach".  We would really love to have nice bodies to show off and not be the only fatty's at the pool!  If you have never stayed at Mandalay Bay, well it is full of beautiful people!!  LOL!
We hope you enjoy our experience!