Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 13

Today is day 13, Friday, April 10, 2009.  Today is Yoga and day and neither one of us got up this morning!  I have a day off today so I had already decided I was not getting up early!  Chad set his alarm, but ignored it!  We are going to have to get caught up sometime today.  I really don't like Yoga so it is going to be hard for me to get it in!  My goal today though is Yoga and Ab Ripper X.

Day 12

Thursday was Arms.  Last time we did this, we did not have enough weight so we bought some resistance bands.  This made a BIG difference!  I felt it alot more.  I also used the 5 lb weights for some of the exercises.  My motivation level is still very low this week, so I am not sure I am getting what I need to out of the DVD's.  I feel like I am more flexible and have already gotten a little stronger in some areas, but my abs and midsection has not improved!  We were supposed to do Ab Ripper X with this, but we have not done it yet.

Day 11

We did Core synergistics on Wednesday.  Like I said, we are behind!  I don't really care for this DVD very much, but I felt today I did a lot better with it than last week!  I still don't know when I am going to get caught up!  We can't seem to find time to get 2 workouts done in a day!

Day 10

Well I have not posted in a while!  It seems like I never have time!  Day 10 was Tuesday, we are behind because of our trip so we did Cardio X.  We were supposed to do it Monday night but we were too tired after our trip!  I am not feeling real motivated this week.  Hope it gets better!  We have a few workouts to catch up on!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 9

Today is Day 9, cardio X, and we have not done the workout yet!  I guess life gets in the way!  I did get up this morning and workout before we headed home.  I did some cardio, then some exercises I could remember from the DVD's.  I broke a pretty good sweat and at least felt like I did something!  5:30 is going to come very early tomorrow and getting back to our schedule is going to stink!  Since we have missed the last 2 days, we are going to do 2 workouts tomorrow and not take Wednesday (our normal off day) off.  This week I also have morning duty at school, so I will have to leave earlier!  Yuck!

Day 8

Well Sunday was Day 8, core synergistics, and we did not do the workout.  We were at a hotel in St. Louis so we didn't have any place to play the DVD's!  We planned on doing our own workout but that never happened!  LOL!  I actually felt guilty and kind of yucky skipping a day!  We also didn't do too well on our eating habits!  

Day 7

So I have not posted in a few days because we were out of town, so I have to back track!  Day 7 was Kenpo.  We didn't get up until 7:00 because it was Saturday!  I enjoyed this one.  It is basically kickboxing.  It took me a few tries to get the moves right, but once I did, it was a great workout!  I feel a little cramped in our living room doing this one, but oh well!  After our workout we left for St. Louis!