Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 3

It was hard to get up today!!  Had some coffee and got started about 5:45 am.  We did Shoulders and Arms today.  We did not have big enough dumbbells, so we felt we did not get much out of the workout.  There were a few exercises that our little dumbbells were plenty heavy for, but overall, we needed more.  We headed to Academy tonight and bought some bands to try in place of the dumbbells.  The DVD shows the workout using either one.  I am not near as sore today as I was yesterday.  Chad said the same thing.  We went and set in my parent's hot tub for a while and that really helped our hamstrings and lower back!
Ab Ripper is the second part of today's workout, but because of time, we didn't do it this morning.   We planned on doing it tonight, but got home late.  It is a short video so we will sneak it in tomorrow sometime.  Tomorrow is supposed to be our day off.  Can't wait to sleep in until 6:30 am!  LOL!

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