Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 1

Well we started this morning!  It was not has bad as I expected, but my hamstrings and abs are going to be sore!  We have decided to do the P90X Lean program.  This is more cardio and less resistance.  It is for people that want to achieve maximum weight loss.  Today was 1 hour of core synergistics.  It was pretty tough!  I think we did fairly well though.  Chad said he had not sweat this much in a long time!  The only issues we had was that we could not always do as many reps or go as fast as the people on the video, but I am sure we will get better!  I am really impressed with how the workout does accommodate everyone.  It shows modified ways to do each exercise, to make them easier or tougher.  After our workout, we started our healthy diet!  For a recovery drink, we are using Carnation Instant Breakfast.  It, along with chocolate SlimFast, low-fat chocolate milk, and YooHoo works just as well as the high dollar powder recovery drinks.   Well, with day 1 behind us, we only have 89 more to go!  Tomorrow we will do Cardio X!

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