Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 6

So today was a workout!!  It was Back and Legs.  My legs were killing me!  The workout was an hour long, and I sweated more today than I have in any of the other workouts!  We needed to have a pull up bar for the back part.  Instead we did inclined pushups using a chair and used the resistance bands and made up our own stuff!  We couldn't have done the pull ups anyways, but we need to get a bar and do pull ups putting our feet on a chair for now.  I enjoyed todays workout, but my legs were shaking and I couldn't feel them very well! Ha!
We are going out of town tomorrow so we are a little worried about how we are going to do our workout!  We are going to take the DVD's with us and try to do them at the hotel!  We have done so good getting up early and surviving the workouts.  We don't want to miss any days.  Well, day 7 tomorrow, one week gone!  Tomorrow is Kenpo.  I have heard this is a fun one!

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