Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 5

Today was Yoga.  It was a 90 minute video.  We did 45 minutes of it for 2 reasons!  #1 we did do not have time to do it all in the morning.  #2 I knew we couldn't get through the entire thing right now anyways!  I have seen my high school athletes struggle through 45 minutes of this DVD so I knew we wouldn't make it quite yet!  I was right!  We did do our 45 minutes, but both of us were hurting pretty good and sweating quite a bit!  I could have gone a little longer, but I didn't have time in the morning.  I am satisfied with the 45 minutes.  Next week I will go minimum 1 hour of Yoga.  Tomorrow is Legs and Back.  I am kind of looking forward to that!  We bought resistance bands to use instead of dumbbells.  I am anxious to try them out!

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